New Ultra small XOs available -55 to 125C! VCXO and TCXO in Miniature packages!

Miniature Oscillators

Q-Tech Corporation is today unveiling a new line of miniature oscillators available in 2.5 x 3.2mm, 3.2 x 5mm, and 5 x 7mm packages. Available across multiple configurations (XO, TCXO, VCXO) and logic types (CMOS, PECL/LVDS, Clipped Sine), these miniature oscillators will provide Q-Tech customers with the smallest options offered yet across the military temperature range of -55C to +125C. In addition, many standard frequencies of XOs are in-stock allowing for our lowest lead-time offerings for our most often ordered frequencies.

– CMOS 3.2×5.0 and 5.0×7.0 frequencies in stock: 10.000, 16.000, 20.000, 25.000, 32.000, 40.000, 50.000, 100.000, 125.000 MHz
– PECL 3.2×5.0 and 5.0×7.0 frequencies in stock: 155.52, 156.25 MHz